3 Ninjas Kick Back
Released: Jun 1, 1994
  • Sega CD
  • Sega Genesis
  • SNES
  • Cheats

3 Ninjas Kick Back Cheats, Codes & Passwords

Last Updated on Sep 21, 2023

This page contains 3 Ninjas Kick Back cheats, codes, hints, Easter eggs, secrets, and tips. We will continually update this page when we come across more useful cheats and tips.

3 Ninjas Kick Back Cheats For SNES

Infinite Lives

While playing the game, pause it and press Y, A, B, A, Down, A, B, A, Down, Up. If you entered this correctly, the game will automatically unpause.

Skip Levels

While playing the game, pause it and press Down, Up, Left, L, B, A, B, Y. If you entered this correctly, the game will automatically unpause. Pause it again, and use the following codes to skip levels.

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
Skip to the next part of the level Hold A, and press Right
Skip to the next stage Hold Y, and press Right
Revert to the previous part of the level Hold A, and press Left
Revert to the previous stage Hold Y, and press Left

Level Select Passwords

To enter the level select passwords, you must first go to the options and set the game difficulty on easy. This will unlock the ability for you to enter passwords.

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
Level 2 Rocky, Cult, Tum-Tum, Mori Shintaro
Level 3 Glam (guy with blonde hair), Koga (business man), Vinnie (guy with glasses), Mori Shintaro
Level 4 Cult, Rocky, Tum-Tum, Koga
Level 5 Koga, Mori Shintaro, Cult, Tum-Tum

3 Ninjas Kick Back Game Genie Codes

The following cheat codes are for Game Genie. These can be used on a Super Nintendo (SNES) with a Game Genie device or you can use these on any emulator that supports Game Genie Codes. If you want a Game Genie Device, you can always check online for one.

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
Infinite bombs 8BC8-370F
Infinite health 8BA0-6F67
Infinite lives C235-C768
Infinite time 89C8-D76D
Invincibility EDEA-1F6B + 2DBF-4F6F
Jump while in mid-air C921-CFAF
More Cheats: Genesis, SNES