Age of Empires
Released: Oct 15, 1997

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Age of Empires Cheats, Codes & Secrets

Last Updated on Aug 16, 2023

This page contains Age of Empires cheats, codes, hints, Easter eggs, secrets, and tips. We will continually update this page when we come across more useful cheats and tips.

Age of Empires Cheats For PC

Resource Cheats

To use the resource cheats, press Enter while in a match and type one of the following cheats. Press Enter again to activate the cheat.

Cheat Code Cheat Effect
WOODSTOCK Gives you 1,000 wood resource
PEPPERONI PIZZA Gives you 1,000 food resource
COINAGE Gives you 1,000 gold resource
QUARRY Gives you 1,000 stone resource

Other Cheats

To use the cheats, press Enter while in a match and type one of the following cheats. Press Enter again to activate the cheat.

Cheat Code Cheat Effect
BIG BERTHA Turns your Catapults, Heavy Catapults, and Stone Throwers into Big Berthas. Big Berthas have more HP and do more damage.
BIG MOMMA  Spawns a white 1995 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 that is armed with a rocket launcher at your town center.
BIGDADDY Spawns a black 1995 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 that is armed with a rocket launcher at your town center. Does more damage than the white Camaro.
BLACK RIDER Turns your Horse Archers and Heavy Horse Archers into Black Riders.
DARK RAIN Turns your Bowmen into Stealth Archers. They will turn into trees when they aren't moving.
DIEDIEDIE  Destroys all enemy units and buildings resulting in an instant victory.
E=MC2 TROOPER Spawns a Nuke Trooper (a robot armed with a nuke launcher) at your town center.
FLYING DUTCHMAN Upgrades your Catapult Tiremes and Juggernauts into Flying Dutchmen.
GAIA Gives you control over the animals but you lose control of your civilization.
HARI KARI You remove all your units and buildings from the map causing you to forfeit.
HOME RUN Gives you an instant victory.
HOYOHOYO Priests have more HP and move around faster.
ICBM Gives your Ballistae and Helepolises 100 range.
JACK BE NIMBLE All siege equipment that launches stone will now launch cows or villagers.
KING ARTHUR Changes all birds flying around into Dragons. They don't attack you though.
MEDUSA Turns villagers into Medusas, when they die they turn into Black Riders.
NO FOG Removes the fog of war, you can see where you've explored without needing units in the area.
PHOTON MAN Spawns a Laser Tropper at your town center.
POW Spawns a baby on a tricycle armed with a shotgun at your town center.
RESIGN You resign the match.
REVEAL MAP Reveals all of the map.
STEROIDS Always your units to spawn instantly and your buildings to be constructed instantly.
STORMBILLY Spawns a robot at your town center.
UPSIDFLINTMOBILE Allows your Chariot Archers to move around faster.
More Cheats: PC