Alien Storm
Released: Apr 1990

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  • Sega Genesis
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  • Cheats

Alien Storm Cheats, Codes & Secrets

Last Updated on Oct 28, 2023

This page contains Alien Storm cheats, codes, hints, Easter eggs, secrets, and tips. We will continually update this page when we come across more useful cheats and tips.

Alien Storm Cheats For Genesis

Start With 9 Credits

To start the game with 9 credits (lives) instead of the normal 3 credits, enter the options menu from the main menu. Next, press Up, Down, C, Down, B, B, B, Up, C, then press Start to leave the Options menu. Go to the Sound Test menu and press Start to leave it. Now, go back to the Options menu and the first option you will see should be Credits. If you entered the cheat code correctly you will be able to set your starting credits all the way up to 9.

Start With More Energy

To start the game with more energy than usual, go to the Options menu before starting a new game and select Easy for energy level.

Cheat Death Glitch

If you are playing as Slammer (the robot) and you have all of your life depleted, use your self-destruct special attack. This will cause Slammer to come running back in allowing you to control him again until you get hit again.

Alien Storm Game Genie Codes

The following cheat codes are for Game Genie. These can be used on a Sega Genesis with a Game Genie device or you can use these on any emulator that supports Game Genie Codes. If you want a Game Genie device, you can always check online for one.

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
Master Code EABT-AA4W
Infinite health (energy) AMBT-AA96
Infinite lives (credits) AJ7A-AA3R
Infinite special attacks AK8A-AA5A
Invincibility RZXA-A6X8 + RYNA-C6Z0
Start with max energy AA4A-BB96
Immune to most attacks ALXT-AA4Y
Normal attacks don't use energy R1DT-A60R
Special attacks don't use energy AB8A-AACW
Start on mission 2 9WET-BCS4 + CWET-B998 + ACET-AGH6
Start on mission 3 9WET-BCS4 + CWET-B998 + ACET-ANH6
Start on mission 5 9WET-BCS4 + CWET-B998 + ACET-A2H6
Start on mission 6 9WET-BCS4 + CWET-B998 + ACET-A8H6
Start on mission 7 9WET-BCS4 + CWET-B998 + ACET-BEH6
Start on mission 8 9WET-BCS4 + CWET-B998 + ACET-BLH6
More Cheats: Genesis