Released: Apr 11, 2014
- PC
This page contains Contagion cheats, codes, hints, Easter eggs, secrets, and tips. We will continually update this page when we come across more useful cheats and tips.
The following console commands or cheats work while playing single-player or multiplayer. We've compiled a list of all the useful cheats or console commands. To enable console commands make sure in the options menu under Keyboard, "Allow Developer Console" is enabled. While in a match, use the grave accent ( ` ) that is located under the escape key to bring up the developer console and enter sv_cheats 1 to enable cheats. Now, enter one of the cheats or console commands below to get your desired effect.
Cheat Effect | Cheat Code |
Turns on cheats (needed to use cheats) | sv_cheats 1 |
Turns off all cheats | sv_cheats 0 |
Infinite ammo for any collected | sv_infinite_collected_ammo |
Refills ammo for equipped gun | givecurrentammo |
Infinite stamina | sv_infinite_stamina |
Turns on health regeneration | sv_regeneration_force_on |
Make health regenerate fast (unlimited health) | sv_regeneration_wait_time |
Force restart of level | sv_restart_round |
Spawns Colt 1911 | give 1911 |
Spawns .357 Magnum | give 357 |
Spawns Remington ACR | give acr |
Spawns AK74U | give ak74 |
Spawns AR15 | give ar15 |
Spawns Benelli M4 | give autoshotgun |
Spawns Banjo | give banjo |
Spawns Baseball Bat | give baseballbat |
Spawns Metal Baseball Bat | give baseballbat_metal |
Spawns BLR | give blr |
Spawns Boltcutter | give boltcutter |
Spawns Coin | give coin |
Spawns Compound Bow | give compbow |
Spawns Crossbow | give crossbow |
Spawns Crowbar | give crowbar |
Spawns Green Crowbar | give crowbar_green |
Spawns Double Barrel Shotgun | give doublebarrel |
Spawns Fire Extinguisher | give extinguisher |
Spawns Fireaxe | give fireaxe |
Spawns Firstaid Kit (Large medkit) | give firstaid |
Spawns Flamethrower | give flamethrower |
Spawns Gas Mask | give gasmask |
Spawns Glowstick | give glowstick |
Spawns Golfclub | give golfclub |
Spawns Grenade | give grenade |
Spawns Grenade Launcher | give grenadelauncher |
Spawns Guitar | give guitar |
Spawns Desert Eagle | give handcannon |
Spawns IED | give ied |
Spawns Inoculator (small med kit) | give inoculator |
Spawns Kabar Knife | give kabar |
Spawns Key | give key |
Spawns Keycard (random color) | give keycard |
Spawns KG9 | give kg9 |
Spawns M1 Garand | give m1garand |
Spawns MAC-10 | give mac10 |
Spawns Machete | give machete |
Spawns Mossberg Shotgun | give mossberg |
Spawns MP5K | give mp5k |
Spawns Nailgun | give nailgun |
Spawns Over/Under Shotgun | give overunder |
Spawns Pocket Light | give plight |
Spawns Remington 870 Shotgun | give remington870 |
Spawns Revolver | give revolver |
Spawns SCAR | give scar |
Spawns Scythe | give scythe |
Spawns Self Revive (revives you if you die) | give selfrev |
Spawns Sig Sauer | give sig |
Spawns Sledge Hammer | give sledgehammer |
Spawns Remington 700 Sniper Rifle | give sniper |
Spawns Wrench | give wrench |