Released: Oct 22, 2001
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This page contains Grand Theft Auto III cheats, codes, hints, Easter eggs, secrets, and tips. We will continually update this page when we come across more useful cheats and tips.
Grand Theft Auto 3 is one of the most popular and influential games. The game's massive open world, Liberty City, was based on New York City and allowed players to explore it freely while committing all sorts of crimes. Cheats were an integral part of the GTA 3 experience, as they allowed players to do things like get infinite health or money, spawn vehicles, and access secret areas. In this cheat page, we'll take a look at some of the best GTA 3 cheats and how to use them.
To enter cheats for GTA 3 for PC, while playing, pause the game (so you don't do something accidentally when entering the cheat codes) and use the keyboard to enter one of the following GTA 3 cheat codes below. When you unpause the game, you will see the entered cheat code has become activated.
Cheat Effect | Cheat Code |
All Weapons | gunsgunsguns |
Money - $250,000 | ifiwerearichman |
Full Armor | tortoise |
Full Health | gesundheit |
Lower Wanted Level | nopoliceplease |
Raise Wanted Level | morepoliceplease |
Clear Weather | skincancerforme |
Foggy Weather | peasoup |
Cloudy Weather | ilikescotland |
Rainy Weather | ilovescotland |
Increased Gore | nastylimbscheat |
Change Costumes | ilikedressingup |
Destroy All Cars | bangbangbang |
Fast Motion | timeflieswhenyou |
Flying Vehicle | chittychittybb |
Improved driving skill | cornerslikemad |
Pedestrians fight each other | itsallgoingmaaad |
Pedestrians fight each other using weapons | weaponsforall |
Pedestrians hate you | nobodylikesme |
Slow Motion | boooooring |
Spawn Rhino Tank | giveusatank |
Speed Up Time | madweather |
Turn Vehicle Invisible | anicesetofwheels |