Illusion of Gaia
Released: Sep 1, 1994
  • SNES
  • Cheats

Illusion of Gaia Cheats, Codes & Secrets

Last Updated on Sep 21, 2023

This page contains Illusion of Gaia cheats, codes, hints, Easter eggs, secrets, and tips. We will continually update this page when we come across more useful cheats and tips.

Illusion of Gaia Cheats For SNES

Unlocking Gem's Secret Mansion

If you collect all 50 red jewels in the game, you will be able to unlock a secret stage. After you collect all 50 red jewels, visit the Gem The Jeweler in the Villiage of Dao and he will take you to his secret mansion.


If you collect the hidden red jewels in the game and give them to Gem the Jeweler, they will give you the unlockable rewards below.

Unlockable Reward How To Unlock
Herb Collect 3 Red Jewels
Defense Force - defense +1 Collect 5 Red Jewels
Life Force - max HP +1 Collect 8 Red Jewels
Strength Force - strength +1 Collect 12 Red Jewels
Psycho Power - Psycho Dash does more damage Collect 20 Red Jewels
Dark Power - Dark Friar does more damage Collect 30 Red Jewels
Unlocks Gem's secret mansion Collect 50 Red Jewels

Illusion of Gaia Game Genie Codes

The following cheat codes are for Game Genie. These can be used on a Super Nintendo (SNES) with a Game Genie device or you can use these on any emulator that supports Game Genie Codes. If you want a Game Genie Device, you can always check online for one.

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
Infinite energy (health) C2A5-44A2
Invinciblity 1DA5-4F62
Start with more energy (health) F061-44DD
Herbs yeild 2x the enegry (health) FD6B-47A3
Herbs yeild 3x the enegry (health) F66B-47A3
Start with 20 strength points F065-4D0D
Start with 50 strength points 7465-4D0D
Start with 80 strength points 9D65-4D0D
Start with all dark powers 5568-4D0D
Start with all form statues CB23-170E
Text appears backwards 1069-44DD
Psycho Dash is instant DD8F-4F0C
Will starts with 55 strength EE65-4D0D
Will starts with 99 strength 1765-4D0D
Walk through walls CE3D-3D06 + B83D-3FD6
View game ending by entering Seaside Cave 3966-47D9
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