Released: Nov 1987
  • NES
  • Cheats

Jaws Cheats, Codes & Secrets

Last Updated on Aug 16, 2023

This page contains Jaws cheats, codes, hints, Easter eggs, secrets, and tips. We will continually update this page when we come across more useful cheats and tips.

Jaws Cheats For NES

Cheat Mode

To unlock cheat mode in Jaws, on the second player controller, hold Up, Left, B, and reset the NES. Now when you pause and unpause the game holding one of the button combinations below you will activate a particular cheat.

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
Exit Diving Mode While Diving - Pause the game, hold A, and unpause the game.
9 Lives While Diving - Pause the game, hold A + B, and unpause the game.
Jaws has no more health (fight Jaws in final Phase) While Diving - Pause the game, hold B, and unpause the game.
Run into Jaws Map Mode - Pause the game, hold A, and unpause the game.
"You've hit something" - Enters Diving Mode Map Mode - Pause the game, hold B, and unpause the game.

Upgrade Firepower

To upgrade your power or firepower, collect as many seashells as you can and head to the opposite dock of where you started or where you last obtained an upgrade. Each power upgrade will cost 2 more seashells than the last one. Repeat this until you are powerful enough to defeat Jaws. If you end up taking a hit and losing a life, you will lose 1 firepower each time until you either have no more power or lives remaining.

Sound Test

To access the sound test, on the second player controller, hold Up, Left, B, and reset the NES. When the game comes back on after resetting the system you will see an option for a sound test on the title screen.

Jaws Game Genie Codes

The following cheat codes are for Game Genie. These can be used on a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) with a Game Genie device or you can use these on any emulator that supports Game Genie Codes. If you want a Game Genie device, you can always check online for one.

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
Infinite lives SZSATSVK
Infinite shells SZVEYNSE
Invincibility (can't pick up items) YATPVP
Start with 6 lives TEOAGZLA
Always hit something quickly EVGENY
Collect crabs from anywhere AENXLSTP
Collect shells from anywhere AEVZTVZZ
Hit enemies from anywhere AAOOEPIP
Jaws has low health after hitting boat KTTZZZ
Jaws can't knock you off boat EEGOOO
Keep shells after losing life SZSELSTK
Keep power after losing life SZSETSVK
Never fight Jaws ALLEYK
Only hit Jaws moving with boat ZZYANK
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