Kirby's Avalanche
Released: Apr 25, 1995
  • SNES
  • Cheats

Kirby's Avalanche Cheats, Codes & Secrets

Last Updated on Sep 21, 2023

This page contains Kirby's Avalanche cheats, codes, hints, Easter eggs, secrets, and tips. We will continually update this page when we come across more useful cheats and tips.

Kirby's Avalanche Cheats For SNES

New Options In Custom Mode

During a match, hold down A + B + X + Y on the second controller, next reset the game. When you in into the Custom in the options from the main menu, you will see new options available under Custom.

Kirby's Avalanche Game Genie Codes

The following cheat codes are for Game Genie. These can be used on a Super Nintendo (SNES) with a Game Genie device or you can use these on any emulator that supports Game Genie Codes. If you want a Game Genie Device, you can always check online for one.

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
Boulder warnings don't appear 80A8-C4CD
Only blue blobs fall CB60-C737 + D969-CD47 + D969-CD17
Only green blobs fall CB60-C737 + D769-CD47 + D769-CD17
Only purple blobs fall CB60-C737 + D069-CD47 + D069-CD17
Only red blobs fall CB60-C737 + DD69-CD47 + DD69-CD17
Only yellow blobs fall CB60-C737 + DF69-CD47 + DF69-CD17
Disable the next box CBB7-4D4D + 3CB7-4DCD + CBB7-4F1D + 3CB7-4F3D
Only blue and green blobs fall CB60-C737 + D969-CD47 + D769-CD17
Only blue and purple blobs fall CB60-C737 + D969-CD47 + D069-CD17
Only blue and red blobs fall CB60-C737 + D969-CD47 + DD69-CD17
Only blue and yellow blobs fall CB60-C737 + D969-CD47 + DF69-CD17
Only blue blobs with a boulder fall CB60-C737 + D969-CD47 + D169-CD17
Only boulder and blue blobs fall CB60-C737 + D169-CD47 + D969-CD17
Only boulder and green blobs fall CB60-C737 + D169-CD47 + D769-CD17
Only boulder and purple blobs fall CB60-C737 + D169-CD47 + D069-CD17
Only boulder and red blobs fall CB60-C737 + D169-CD47 + DD69-CD17
Only boulder and yellow blobs fall CB60-C737 + D169-CD47 + DF69-CD17
Only boulders fall CB60-C737 + D169-CD47 + D169-CD17
Only green and blue blobs fall CB60-C737 + D769-CD47 + D969-CD17
Only green and purple blobs fall CB60-C737 + D769-CD47 + D069-CD17
Only green and red blobs fall CB60-C737 + D769-CD47 + DD69-CD17
Only green and yellow blobs fall CB60-C737 + D769-CD47 + DF69-CD17
Only green blobs with a boulder fall CB60-C737 + D769-CD47 + D169-CD17
Only purple and blue blobs fall CB60-C737 + D069-CD47 + D969-CD17
Only purple and green blobs fall CB60-C737 + D069-CD47 + D769-CD17
Only purple and red blobs fall CB60-C737 + D069-CD47 + DD69-CD17
Only purple and yellow blobs fall CB60-C737 + D069-CD47 + DF69-CD17
Only purple blobs with a boulder fall CB60-C737 + D069-CD47 + D169-CD17
Only red and blue blobs fall CB60-C737 + DD69-CD47 + D969-CD17
Only red and green blobs fall CB60-C737 + DD69-CD47 + D769-CD17
Only red and purple blobs fall CB60-C737 + DD69-CD47 +D069-CD17
Only red and yellow blobs fall CB60-C737 + DD69-CD47 + DF69-CD17
Only red blobs with a boulder fall CB60-C737 + DD69-CD47 + D169-CD17
Only yellow and blue blobs fall CB60-C737 + DF69-CD47 + D969-CD17
Only yellow and green blobs fall CB60-C737 + DF69-CD47 + D769-CD17
Only yellow and purple blobs fall CB60-C737 + DF69-CD47 + D069-CD17
Only yellow and red blobs fall CB60-C737 + DF69-CD47 + DD69-CD17
Only yellow blobs with a boulder fall CB60-C737 + DF69-CD47 + D169-CD17
More Cheats: SNES