Light Crusader
Released: Oct 1995
  • Sega Genesis
  • Cheats

Light Crusader Cheats, Codes & Secrets

Last Updated on Aug 23, 2023

This page contains Light Crusader cheats, codes, hints, Easter eggs, secrets, and tips. We will continually update this page when we come across more useful cheats and tips.

Light Crusader Cheats For Genesis

Level 4 - Secret Room

To enter the secret room while on level 4, first kill the zombies in the room. Next, jump on a box that is located in the center of the room and make your character push against the mirror. This will allow you access to a hidden room that contains a pendant that you can collect. The pendant will resurrect David when he dies and will return him to the entrance of the current room he died in.

Debug Mode

To enable debug mode, pause the game, go to Mode, and make sure to uncheck Damage Number, Window On, and Item Auto Use. While on the same screen, press Down on the D-pad 8 times until you see Mode3, Mode0, and Mouse Enable appear. Now you can go back one screen to the main pause screen and select Test, which lets you access the sound test, and view sprits, icons, and game dialogue.

Now after selecting the Test option, press Up, A, Right, A, Left, A, Down, A. This will activate the Test2 option, which gives you the ability to teleport yourself to any room in the game, even the last boss. To teleport yourself, select Floor under Test 2 and select the room you would like to teleport yourself to.

Light Crusader Game Genie Codes

The following cheat codes are for Game Genie. These can be used on a Sega Genesis with a Game Genie device or you can use these on any emulator that supports Game Genie Codes. If you want a Game Genie device, you can always check online for one.

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
Invincibility R1WA-A61L
Infinite gold AL4A-CA84
Infinite magic R1RT-A61L
Infinite boots effect F1ST-ATCW
Start with all equipment 96ZT-F99A + 96ZT-F99C
Start with max gold 96ZT-F99Y
Any healing restores full HP G6TA-CAF4
1 hit kills AESA-DA5E
Debug menu A34A-EN9W + A34T-EN6N
Enemies do no damage AJDA-CA7N
Jump higher A1RA-AABJ
Start with boots and sextant E60A-EGJ2
Start with crest and costume G60A-FLJ4
Start with double health 3A0A-EADA
Start with potions BA0A-EREA
Starting weapon does more damage DKTT-BART
Walk through walls AKFA-AA98 + BBAA-AA2J
More Cheats: Genesis