Metal Slug X
Released: Mar 18, 1999

  • Arcade
  • Neo Geo
  • PC
  • PS1
  • Cheats

Metal Slug X Cheats, Codes & Secrets

Last Updated on Aug 16, 2023

This page contains Metal Slug X cheats, codes, hints, Easter eggs, secrets, and tips. We will continually update this page when we come across more useful cheats and tips.

Metal Slug X Cheats For PS1

Level Select

To enable level select, beat the game on Arcade Mission mode. This will allow you to pick what level or mission you would like to start on.

Chat With The Instructor

To trigger a chat with the instructor from the Combat School, complete some missions in Arcade Mission mode and make sure to have your progress saved. Now, go to Combat School and select Office to enlist in the army. Exit and come back to the Combat School but this time keep pressing Square while the game is loading. When the menu comes up, the instructor will ask you if you want to chat.

Play As An Alien

To play as an alien, enlist in combat school and earn 1,000 points. Next time you come back to combat school your character's skin will be green.

Secret Mode - Another Mission

To unlock the secret mode Another Mission, beat the game on Arcade Mission mode. Another Mission contains missions with goal objectives sort of like mini-games.

Metal Slug X GameShark Codes

The following cheat codes are for GameShark. These can be used on a Playstation (PS1) with a GameShark device or you can use these on any emulator that supports GameShark Codes. If you want a GameShark device, you can always check online for one.

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
Infinite lives 800475AE 2400
Invincibility 8003273E 2400 + 80032764 00C8 + 80032766 2405
Infinite arms ammo 8002DCE6 2400
Infinite bombs 800398BE 2400
Infinite time 8002962A 2400
Extra time 800295F8 0002
Fire quicker - arms ammo D00D4948 8000 + 800D4948 0000
Max score - player 1 800EE318 E0FF + 800EE31A 05F5
More Cheats: PS1