Released: Apr 1993
- Arcade
- Game Gear
- GB
- Sega CD
- Sega Genesis
This page contains NBA Jam cheats, codes, hints, Easter eggs, secrets, and tips. We will continually update this page when we come across more useful cheats and tips.
To always be on fire, on Tonight's Match-Up screen, press B, B, B, B, B, B, B, then press and hold Up + Y + B.
To enable better defense, on Tonight's Match-Up screen, press any button 4 times and hold it till the match starts.
To enable easy steals, on Tonight's Match-Up screen, press any button 15 times while rotating the D-Pad clockwise. When you get to the 15th button press, hold it till the match starts.
To enable infinite turbo, on Tonight's Match-Up screen, press any button 6 times, then hold Y + B + A till the match starts.
To how your shot percentage, on Tonight's Match-Up screen, press any button on time, then hold B + A till the match starts.
To enable super dunks, on Tonight's Match-Up screen, press any button 13 times while rotating the D-Pad clockwise, on the 13th button press, hold down the button until the match starts.
To unlock the following characters or players, enter the following initials and cheats codes on the Add Initials screen.
Unlockable Character | Cheat Code |
Air Dog | Enter the initials AI, then highlight R, then press Start + L + R + X |
Al Gore | Enter the initials NE, then highlight T, then press L + R + A |
Asif "Chow-Chow" Chaudhri | Enter the initials CA, then highlight R, then press L + R + X |
Bill Clinton | Enter the initials AR, then highlight K, then press Start + L + R + X |
Dan "Weasel" Feinstein | Enter the initials SA, then highlight X, then press L + R + X |
Eric ''KABUKI'' Kuby | Enter the initials QB, then highlight [] (space), then press Start + L + R + X |
George "P-Funk" Clinton | Enter the initials DI, then highlight S, then press Start + L + R + A |
Jamie Rivett | Enter the initials RJ, then highlight R, then press Start + L + R + X |
Mark Turmell | Enter the initials MJ, then highlight T, then press Start + L + R + A |
Sal Divita | Enter the initials SA, then highlight L, then press L + R + X |
Tom "Scruff" Rademacher | Enter the initials RO, then highlight D, then press Start + L + R + X |
Warren Moon | Enter the initials UW, then highlight Space, then press Start + L + R + A |
The following cheat codes are for Game Genie. These can be used on a Super Nintendo (SNES) with a Game Genie device or you can use these on any emulator that supports Game Genie Codes. If you want a Game Genie Device, you can always check online for one.
Cheat Effect | Cheat Code |
All players have super dunk ability | D8E8-C718 + D8E7-C448 |
All players have infinite turbo | D6E3-C748 + D6E1-CF38 |
Always On Fire | D6E2-CFC8 + D6E9-CD18 |
Always have super interception ability | D8E6-C7C8 + D8ED-C418 |
Turbo drains a lot slower | D0E5-3CFA + D0E9-38FA |
Turbo restores very fast | 6FE6-3B2A + 6FE1-3C2A |
Players have no heads | EE38-67AF |
Home's baskets are worth 1 point | BBC6-A7AF |
Home's baskets are worth 2 points | 34C6-A7AF |
Home's baskets are worth 3 points | 30C6-A7AF |
Home's baskets are worth 4 points | 39C6-A7AF |
Home's baskets are worth 5 points | 35C6-A7AF |
Home's backets are worth 6 points | 36C6-A7AF |
Home's backets are worth 7 points | 3CC6-A7AF |
Home's baskets are worth 8 points | 3AC6-A7AF |
Visitor's baskets are worth 1 point | BBCC-0F6F |
Visitor's baskets are worth 2 points | 34CC-0F6F |
Visitor's baskets are worth 3 points | 30CC-0F6F |
Visitor's baskets are worth 4 points | 39CC-0F6F |
Visitor's baskets are worth 5 points | 35CC-0F6F |
Visitor's baskets are worth 6 points | 36CC-0F6F |
Visitor's baskets are worth 7 points | 3CCC-0F6F |
Visitor's baskets are worth 8 points | 3ACC-0F6F |
Need 2 baskets to be on fire | D4BD-3038 + D4BA-C948 |
Need 4 baskets to be on fire | D0BD-3038 |
Need 5 baskets to be on fire | D9BD-3038 |
Need 6 baskets to be on fire | D1BD-3038 |
Need 7 baskets to be on fire | D5BD-3038 |
Need 8 baskets to be on fire | D6BD-3038 |
Need 9 baskets to be on fire | DBBD-3038 |
Need 10 baskets to be on fire | DCBD-3038 |