Red Dead Redemption 2
Released: Oct 26, 2018
  • PC
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  • Cheats

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats, Codes & Secrets

Last Updated on Sep 21, 2023

This page contains Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats, codes, hints, Easter eggs, secrets, and tips. We will continually update this page when we come across more useful cheats and tips.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats For PC

Where to Find Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats & Codes?

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats can be found all over the game and most people don't realize they have come across any. They can be found written in newspapers, on the side of buildings, carved into dressers or cabinets, or even on the side of stagecoaches.

How to Enter Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheat Codes for PC

To enter Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats on PC, pause the game and go to Settings. You will see all the different options to edit different settings in the game but nothing for cheats or codes but this can be easily changed. If you are playing with a keyboard the Left Shift key will bring up the cheat input menu, no cheats will be listed here until you have unlocked them. Once you enter cheats they will be listed here and have the ability to be toggled on or off.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats Available at Start of Game

The following cheat codes are available at the very start of a new file and can be used at any time. When entering these cheat codes below there is no need to worry about word capitalization.

Be aware that using cheats in Red Dead Redemption 2 will disable the save feature and will turn off the ability to earn achievements.

Cheat Code Cheat Effect Name On Cheat List
a simple life, a beautiful death Gives you a loadout of basic weapons Basic Weapons
death is silence Gives you a loadout of stealth weapons Stealth Weapons
history is written by fools Gives you a loadout of gunslinger weapons Gunslinger Weapons
greed is now a virtue Gives you $500 each time you activate it Add $500
vanity. all is vanity Gives you access to all the outfits in the game Own All Outfits
eat of knowledge Gives you access to all the recipes in the game Learn All Recipes
share All ledger upgrades and increases max supply levels Purchase All Camp Upgrades
you revel in your disgrace, i see Decreases your honor to the minimum amount Decrease Honor
balance. all is balance Resets your honor to neutral Reset Honor
be greedy only for foresight Infinite Dead Eye ability Infinite Dead Eye
guide me better Selection of your Dead Eye level 1 Set Dead Eye Level
make me better Selection of your Dead Eye level 2 Set Dead Eye Level
i shall be better Selection of your Dead Eye level 3 Set Dead Eye Level
i still seek more Selection of your Dead Eye level 4 Set Dead Eye Level
i seek and i find Selection of your Dead Eye level 5 Set Dead Eye Level
you flourish before you die Refills are of your bars Set Health, Stamina and Dead Eye Bars To Full
seek all the bounty of this place Increase the level of all your bars Increase Health, Stamina and Dead Eye Bar Levels
my kingdom is a horse Increases bonding with all horses Increase Horse Bonding
better than my dog Call your horse from any distance Increase Whistle Range For Horse
a fool on command Become drunk Drunk
run! run! run! Spawns a race horse Create Race Horse
you want more than you have Spawns a superior horse Create Superior Horse
you want something new Spawns a random horse Create Random Horse
the best of the old ways Spawns a stagecoach Create Stagecoach
keep your dreams simple Spawns a wagon Create Wagon
keep your dreams light Spawns a buggy Create Buggy
you want punishment Increases your wanted level Increase Wanted Level
you want freedom Decreases your wanted level Decrease Wanted Level
you want everyone to go away Remove all bounties and lockdown areas Clear All Bounties And Lockdown Areas

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats With Requirements

The following cheat codes are not available at the very start of a new file and have a requirement that needs to be met to use them. When entering these cheat codes below there is no need to worry about word capitalization.

Be aware that using cheats in Red Dead Redemption 2 will disable the save feature and will turn off the ability to earn achievements.

Cheat Code Cheat Effect / Requirement Name On Cheat List
abundance is the dullest desire Infinite ammo for all weapons - Needs newspaper during chapter 1 Infinite Ammunition
greed is american virtue Gives you a loadout of heavy weapons - Needs newspaper after completing chapter 3 Heavy Weapons
you long for sight and see nothing Full map revealed - Needs newspaper after completing chapter 3 Fog Of War
virtue unearned is not virtue Increase honor to max amount - Needs newspaper after completing chapter 4 Increase Honor
the lucky be strong evermore Infinite stamina for you and horse - Needs newspaper after completing chapter 5 Infinite Stamina
you seek more than the world offers Refill and fortify all your bars - Needs newspaper after completing chapter 6 Fortify Health, Stamina and Dead Eye Bars
you are a beast built for war Spawns a war horse - Needs newspaper after completing Epilogue Create War Horse
would you be happier as a clown? Spawns a circus wagon - Needs newspaper after completing Epilogue Create Circus Wagon
More Cheats: PC, PS4, Xbox One