Saints Row: The Third
Released: Nov 15, 2011

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Saints Row: The Third Cheats, Codes & Secrets

Last Updated on Aug 16, 2023

This page contains Saints Row: The Third cheats, codes, hints, Easter eggs, secrets, and tips. We will continually update this page when we come across more useful cheats and tips.

If you're looking for an edge in the third installment of the open-world crime game series Saints Row, look no further than these Saints Row 3 cheat codes. Whether you want unlimited money, ammo, or health, we've got you covered. Saints Row 3 cheats can help you get through those tough missions, or just help you run around the city and cause chaos. We've compiled the best Saints Row 3 cheats in this handy guide. Just be warned that using cheats will disable achievements and cloud saves for your current game session.

Saints Row: The Third Cheats For PC

The following Saints Row: The Third or Saints Row 3 cheats will work on the normal edition and the remastered edition of the game. Just follow the steps below on how to use the cheat codes in the game.

How to Use Cheats in Saints Row 3

To use cheats in Saints Row: The Third, pull out your phone by pressing Select on the controller or by pressing Tab on the keyboard. Once your phone screen is displayed, navigate down to Cheats and go to Add Cheat. Next, enter one of the cheats located on this page for the desired effect and press Accept. When you have cheats enabled, achievements and autosaves are disabled. Cheats will be added to your cheat list on your cell phone and can be activated or deactivated at any time by just going back to the cheat on the list.

Saints Row: The Third - Weapon Cheats & Codes

The following cheats will allow you to spawn yourself any weapon in Saints Row 3 or give yourself infinite or unlimited ammo.

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
Spawn all weapons + unlimited ammo letsrock
Spawn 45 Shepherd givesheperd
Spawn Apocafists giveapoca
Spawn AR 55 givear55
Spawn AS3 Ultimax giveultimax
Spawn Baseball Bat givebaseball
Spawn Chainsaw givechainsaw
Spawn Cyber Blaster givecybersmg
Spawn Cyber Buster givecyber
Spawn D4TH Blossom giveblossom
Spawn Electric Grenade giveelectric
Spawn Flamethrower giveflamethrower
Spawn Flash Bang giveflashbang
Spawn GL G20 Grenade Launcher givelauncher
Spawn Grave Digger givedigger
Spawn Grenade givegrenade
Spawn KA-1 Kobra givekobra
Spawn K-8 Krukov givekrukov
Spawn McManus 2015 givesniper
Spawn Minigun giveminigun
Spawn Molotov givemolotov
Spawn Nocturne givesword
Spawn The Perpetrator givedildo
Spawn RC Possessor givercgun
Spawn Reaper Drone givedrone
Spawn RPG giverpg
Spawn S3X Hammer givehammer
Spawn SA-3 Airstrike giveairstrike
Spawn Satchel Charge givesatchel
Spawn Shock Hammer giverocket
Spawn Sonic Boom givesonic
Spawn Stun Gun givestungun
Spawn TEK Z-10 givetek
Spawn Viper Laser Rifle giveslm8

Saints Row: The Third - Vehicle Cheats & Codes

After entering vehicle cheats for Saints Row 3, you can spawn the vehicle at your garage by selecting the vehicle on your cheat list.

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
Spawn Ambulance giveambulance
Spawn Anchor giveanchor
Spawn Attrazione giveattrazione
Spawn Bootlegger givebootlegger
Spawn Challenger givechallenger
Spawn Commander givecommander
Spawn Condor givecondor
Spawn Eagle giveeagle
Spawn Estrada giveestrada
Spawn F69 Vtol givevtol
Spawn Gatmobile givegatmobile
Spawn Kaneda givekaneda
Spawn Kenshin givekenshin
Spawn Knoxville giveknoxville
Spawn Krukov givekrukov
Spawn Miami givemiami
Spawn Municipal givemunicipal
Spawn Nforcer givenforcer
Spawn Peacemaker givepeacemaker
Spawn Phoenix givephoenix
Spawn Quasar givequasar
Spawn Reaper givereaper
Spawn Sandstorm givesandstorm
Spawn Shark giveshark
Spawn Specter givespecter
Spawn Squasar givesquasar
Spawn Status Quo givestatusquo
Spawn Taxi givetaxi
Spawn Titan givetitan
Spawn Toad givetoad
Spawn Tornado givetornado
Spawn Vortex givevortex
Spawn Vulture givevulture
Spawn Widowmaker givewidowmaker
Spawn Woodpecker givewoodpecker

Saints Row: The Third - Random Cheats & Codes

These other Saints Row 3 cheats can be entered the same way as the ones above (using your cell phone). These cheats will alter your gameplay and will disable achievements and the autosave feature when enabled.

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
Gain 10,000 Respect points whatitmeanstome
Receive $100,000 cheese
Infinite sprint runfast
Ai become drunk dui
Clear Skies clearskies
Cloudy weather overcast
Rains heavily heavyrain
Rains lightly lightrain
Gang members become mascots mascot
Have 5-star gang notoriety lolz
Have 5-star police notoriety pissoffpigs
Hide the HUD nohud
Kill enemies in one hit goldengun
More blood notrated
Move time forward by a few hours ticktock
Pedestrians become pimps & hos hohoho
Pedestrians become zombies brains
Remove gang notoriety oops
Remove police notoriety goodygoody
Repair all vehicle damage repaircar
Vehicles can smash through others isquishyou
Vehicles are invincible vroom
Victims will float fryhole
More Cheats: PC