Released: Dec 1, 1990
  • NES
  • Cheats

StarTropics Cheats, Codes & Secrets

Last Updated on Jan 3, 2025

This page contains StarTropics cheats, codes, hints, Easter eggs, secrets, and tips. We will continually update this page when we come across more useful cheats and tips.

StarTropics Cheats For NES

Easily Defeat C-serpent

To easily defeat C-serpent (the first boss), stand on the platform right in front of the boos. As soon as he hits you jump on top of him while you're still invulnerable. This will defeat the boss in one hit and you won't have to waste your time fighting him.

Input Frequency!!

At the end of chapter 4, after exiting the whale you will need to enter a frequency to continue with the Sub-C submarine. The code is 747 and the only way to obtain it was using a piece of paper that came with the game.

Use Magic Items

To use magic items such as the Rod of Sight, pause the game, then press Down on the D-pad.

StarTropics Game Genie Codes

The following cheat codes are for Game Genie. These can be used on a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) with a Game Genie device or you can use these on any emulator that supports Game Genie Codes. If you want a Game Genie device, you can always check online for one.

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
Infinite health VZVZLOSV
Infinite lives UNATAK
Infinite ammo SUXXPSVS
Start with 6 lives TASTYZLA
Continue with 6 lives TAUTGILA
Enemies stuck in place NOPSTU
Fire worth 50 ZUVLZEPP
Bat worth 50 ZUSUYETP
3 hearts for Shooting-star (not 6) IEUZZNGA
8 hearts for Super-nova (not 11) AEOZPYTO
Turn off enemies UXALGV
Turn invisible PIZAZZ
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