Streets of Rage 2
Released: Dec 20, 1992

  • 3DS
  • Arcade
  • Game Gear
  • Sega Genesis
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  • Cheats

Streets of Rage 2 Cheats, Codes & Secrets

Last Updated on Sep 21, 2023

This page contains Streets of Rage 2 cheats, codes, hints, Easter eggs, secrets, and tips. We will continually update this page when we come across more useful cheats and tips.

Streets of Rage 2 Cheats For Genesis

More Lives

To start with more lives, on the main menu hold A + B on the second controller and select options. If you did this correctly, you will be able to move the players (lives) all the way up to 9.

Level Select

To access the level select, on the main menu hold A + B on the second controller and select options. If you did this correctly, you will see extra options, and at the bottom, the one that says Round is your stage select option.

Hidden 1-Up Stage 1

On stage 1 as soon as you start the level there is a mailbox towards the bottom left of the screen. If you go to it and press B (the punch button) you'll be able to pick up the hidden 1-up behind it.

Hidden 1-Up Stage 2

On stage 2 right after you get out of the truck, go behind the truck cab on the top left part of the screen. Behind the cab, there is a hidden 1-up you can pick up by pressing B (the punch button).

No Damage From Being Thrown

If you want to avoid taking damage when an enemy throws you, press and hold Up + C as soon as an enemy throws you until you hit the ground. If you do this correctly, your character will land on their feet instead of hitting the ground and they won't take any damage.

Streets of Rage 2 Game Genie Codes

The following cheat codes are for Game Genie. These can be used on a Sega Genesis with a Game Genie device or you can use these on any emulator that supports Game Genie Codes. If you want a Game Genie Device, you can always check online for one.

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
Master Cheat
Note: This must be on in most cases or your game may crash
Infinite lives AW7T-AA6L
Infinite continues AL7T-AA62
Invincibility 5BJA-AF24
Enemies have less health ADTT-AAAN
Apple restores more health JKFA-AAG6
Apple restores full health PBFA-AAG6
1-up worth 2 lives instead of 1 PKFA-BJ0E
1-up worth 3 lives instead of 1 PKFA-BN0E
Start with 7 lives - Player 1 V30A-BEB6
Start with 9 lives - Player 1 LB0A-BEB6
Start with 7 lives - Player 2 V30A-BEGL + V45A-BEAC
Start with 9 lives - Player 2 LB0A-BEGL + LC5A-BEAC
Start with 4 continues instead of 2 - Player 1 AZ1A-AAAE
Start with 6 continues instead of 2 - Player 1 A71A-AAAE
Start with 8 continues instead of 2 - Player 1 BF1A-AAAE
Start with 4 continues instead of 2 - Player 2 AZ1A-AAC4
Start with 6 continues instead of 2 - Player 2 A71A-AAC4
Start with 8 continues instead of 2 - Player 2 BF1A-AAC4
Start on stage 2 AK9A-BA6C
Start on stage 3 AV9A-BA6C
Start on stage 4 A39A-BA6C
Start on stage 5 BB9A-BA6C
Start on stage 6 BK9A-BA6C
Start on stage 7 BV9A-BA6C
Start on stage 8 B39A-BA6C
Bag of cash worth 5,000 points instead of 1,000 LBFT-AAAT
Bag of cash worth 10,000 points instead of 1,000 ABFT-ACAT
Bag of cash worth 25,000 points instead of 1,000 LBFT-AEAT
Gold bar worth 10,000 points instead of 5,000 ABFT-ACAY
Gold bar worth 20,000 points instead of 5,000 ABFT-AEAY
Gold bar worth 50,000 points instead of 5,000 ABFT-ALAY
More Cheats: Genesis