How to Get Scrap Metal in HumanitZ

Scrap Metal
Scrap metal in HumanitZ is an important crafting material used to craft a large variety of items. Scrap metal can be used to craft items such as sheet metal, lock picks, nails, needles, scissors, and crossbow bolts. It is also used in the crafting of defensive structures and will be needed if you'd like to barricade yourself away from zombies.
How to Get Scrap Metal in HumanitZ
To get scrap metal in HumanitZ, you must first obtain a melee weapon. The bigger melee weapons with more durability such as a crowbar, metal pipe, sledgehammer, or fire axe would be better, but others will also work.

Next, find a broken vehicle that isn't drivable and doesn't contain any lootable compartments. Walk up the the broken vehicle and keep swinging your melee weapon at it until the vehicle breaks into a bunch of scrap parts. Make sure you aren't over-encumbered when doing this or it will end up taking very long to get scrap parts from it. This is also a good way to get car parts such as the fan belt, fuel pump, battery, and starter.