How to Start a Fire in Stranded Deep

The Campfire is a craftable structure needed in Stranded Deep for day-to-day survival. It provides light and most important it allows you to cook food. This is important because uncooked meat won’t provide any nourishment and may cause you to vomit, resulting in the loss of one health bar.
Campfires can be upgraded to provide alternate uses, like upgrading it to a smoker, allowing you to smoke and preserve meat. The campfire must be upgraded to a fire pit before it can be upgraded to a fire spit, smoker, or hobo stove.
A fully stocked campfire will burn for 12 hours in the game and can be refilled using wood sticks, palm fronds, and fibrous leaves.
How to Start a Fire
To start a fire in Stranded Deep, you will need to first craft kindling. You can craft kindling using 2 sticks and it is used to start a fire.

To start a fire using kindling, walk up to the campfire with your kindling equipped for your inventory menu. If you are using a keyboard, hold E on the fire and then press the left and right mouse buttons, alternating between the two until the fire starts.
If you are using a PS4 controller, you will need to hold Square on the campfire with the kindling equipped, then press L2, R2, alternating between the two until the fire starts.
If you are using a Xbox controller, you will need to hold X on the campfire with the kindling equipped, then press LT, RT, alternating between the two until the fire starts.